Edging Module

The Only System Designed for Finishing Labs

Edging Module for Labs of All Sizes

Edging process is currently dependent on skilled operator input.

Current finishing systems in a lab or office do not have any way to automatically use actual lens parameters in the design of bevel position for finished work, automatic mode is used at the majority of edgers with an employee looking at every job once it goes thru the edgers. Automatic mode utilizes the lens curve as the basis for bevel position and lacks consistency for the wearer. LenSync ensures your system utilizes all the parameters necessary for the MEI or other edgers to achieve best possible results across the RX range and syncs the bevel with the frame curve ; this includes using Smart Bevel with Circ3D and actual frame curves with inclined bevel to achieve consistent finished work. We follow the data from job creation or tracer to the edger.

Patient Satisfaction for delivering frames that fit like when they tried them on at the store without the RX lenses!

The end user of the glasses deserves the best job possible every-time.

LenSync would determine the optimal lens base curve and thickness at attachment points prior to ordering the lens with the final edging parameters determined by the account; items such as polish, safety bevel and bevel position can be customized by job or account if necessary. New VCA standards allow for machines to be able to process specific bevel data that can be determined by the LenSync Edging Module on a per job by job basis based on such factors as:

  • Frame curve
  • Lens curve
  • Lens thickness
  • Metal or zyl frame
  • Zyl frames need more room for step bevel to account for frame thickness

Design Considerations

Assumptions and Dependencies

The best bevel is one that most closely matches the original base curve to the frame.  This should be the goal of all work as it is the only way to ensure the frame will fit the client as intended; any changing of the bevel on the lens from the frame base curve will deviate the frame fit to some extent. This is true on drill and groove work as well as full frames.

The system will be able to determine when to turn-on inclined and step bevel functions which allow for mismatched lens curves and frame curves to create a best possible scenario.  This is utilized when the lens curve is more than approximately 1.5D above or below the frame curve; the higher the deviation of curves the more step bevel is necessary on + RX’s to achieve best fit and cosmetics. The system will allow for a predetermined range of how close the bevel is to the front of the lens; ideal is the frame curve and the lens curve match and we will work towards that goal by utilizing the closest possible scenario until the lens is sticking out the front of the frame.